Steering Wheel Vibration at Various Speeds and During Braking

Steering Wheel Vibration at Various Speeds and During Braking

Many drivers face the issue of steering wheel vibration at certain speeds, which is a serious signal for car diagnostics. Driving with a vibrating steering wheel is not only uncomfortable but also dangerous.

Ignoring this problem can lead to additional breakdowns, including damage to the hubs and steering mechanism. Steering wheel vibration at speed can be caused by various factors, which must be promptly addressed for safe driving.

Causes of Steering Wheel Vibration at Low Speed

Let's examine the main factors causing steering wheel vibration at low speeds. These issues, primarily related to the wheels, can significantly impact the vehicle's handling and driving comfort.

Problems Caused by Wheel Vibration

Problems Caused by Wheel Vibration

Let's consider the key issues related to the wheels that can lead to steering wheel vibration:

  1. Tire wear: unevenness and bulges on the tire can cause vibration.
  2. Damage to disks: a deformed disk due to hitting a pothole or disk warping.
  3. Unbalanced wheel: this leads to uneven wheel rotation, causing vibration.

At low speed, steering wheel vibration is particularly noticeable when the working part of the tire is damaged, such as cuts or bulges. In such cases, the wheel rotates unevenly. Also, vibration can be caused by a deformed disk, resulting in uneven wheel rotation. These problems require immediate diagnosis and repair to avoid further damage to the hub bearings.

Steering Wheel Vibration at High Speeds: Causes

It is also important to consider the following factors that can cause steering wheel vibration at high speeds.

Problems Not Related to Wheels

Steering Wheel Vibration at High Speeds: Causes

Now let's pay attention to issues not directly related to the wheels but can also be a cause of steering wheel vibration:

  1. Damage to the steering rack: wear or damage to the steering rack.
  2. Uneven wear of brake disks: this can cause vibration during braking.
  3. Wear of silent blocks and levers: leads to instability of the wheels.

Wear of Silent Blocks and Levers

Steering wheel vibration at high speed is often related to wheel balancing issues. Problems can arise after driving on dirty or unpaved roads, when dirt, snow, or ice accumulates on the wheels, disrupting the balance. Also, prolonged use of the vehicle on highways can lead to the formation of rubber particles inside the wheel, disrupting the balance. The solution to these problems is professional wheel balancing at a service center.

Steering Wheel Vibration During Braking: Possible Causes

Let's now explore the main reasons for steering wheel vibration during braking:

  1. Deformed wheels.
  2. Bearing damage.
  3. Worn brake disks.

The causes of steering wheel vibration during braking are similar to those during motion, including improper wheel balancing and worn brake disks. Oscillations can be intensified during braking due to resonance caused by warped brake disks or damaged bearings.

Steering wheel vibration during braking is particularly noticeable in certain vehicle brands, where the quality of parts might be lower.


A vehicle is an integrated mechanism where one malfunction can lead to a chain of other issues. Steering wheel vibration, regardless of speed, indicates problems with the wheels or their balancing. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialized service for diagnostics and repair.